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ooking for the best TOEFL prep book? The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test may be what you’re looking for. This book was written by the same people who write the actual TOEFL, and it contains numerous practice questions, explanations of the different types of questions you’ll see on the exam, and two complete practice TOEFLs. But does it have everything you need?

In this guide, we’ll go over what the Official Guide to the TOEFL includes, what its pros are, what it’s missing, if it’s the right book for you, and how to get the most out of this official guide for the TOEFL iBT.
Format of the TOEFL Official Guide
The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test is a prep book produced by ETS, the organization that creates and administers the TOEFL. The 4th edition is the most current edition of this book, although a 5th edition will be available beginning in November 2017. You can purchase the book (and included CD) on Amazon for about $28.

So what’s in this book? Here’s an overview:

Chapter 1: Introducing the TOEFL iBT

The first chapter of this TOEFL guide goes over the format of the TOEFL, the types of questions you’ll see in each section of the exam, how the test is scored, and some general tips for taking the test.
This chapter serves as a good introduction to the TOEFL, but you may already know a lot of the information if you’ve researched the test.
Chapters 2 – 5: TOEFL iBT Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing
he next four chapters each cover one section of the TOEFL. The Reading chapter explains the different types of Reading questions you’ll see, gives some tips for answering questions, and includes six practice sets.
The Listening chapter goes over question types, gives some tips on answering them, and includes five problem sets.
The Speaking chapter doesn’t include problem sets, but it does go over each of the six Speaking Tasks in-depth and has sample problems for each of them.
In the Writing chapter, the two Writing Tasks are explained, there are sample questions with graded sample responses so you can understand the essay rubrics, and there is a list of sample Independent Writing Task topics you can use as prompts.

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