This was an IB Literature text which has been untouched and occupying shelf space since 2013. Was really mind-expanding at the time.
Some people smirk at de Botton for his writing that, if you look for it from one angle, may seem to bear a likeness to self-help. Perhaps it does. And yet I remember vividly my lit teacher getting us to push our preconceived notions of text-types by (metaphorically speaking) holding the text in question under a light (read: his illuminating lecture) and angling it in different directions, such that we could see different things about Travel through the prism that this topic is. And also see how the different text-types and topics all meld together. Not sure whether I would be as awed now as then upon reading it. Maybe older me would jadedly snicker for different reasons. If you've read up to this point, well, TLDR: it's worth a read. Might be good.