Fear Street Seniors No. 11: Prom date

Author: R.L. Stine

Tags: Prom Teen Romance US High School

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Fear Street Seniors No. 11: Prom date
Trisha Conrad is dating Gary Fresno but is forced to attend the prom with Matty Winger, the biggest geek in school, just because his father is an important business partner of Mr. Conrad. Trisha goes with Matty, but at the prom she humiliates him in front of the whole school. Soon Trisha begins receiving threatening notes, and assumes Matty is responsible until he is found dead. Trisha later finds out that Mary O'Connor is the culprit; she hates Trisha for stealing her boyfriend Gary.

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More books by R.L. Stine

Fear Street Seniors No. 10: Wicked Fear Street Seniors No. 09: Spring break Fear Street Seniors No. 08: Sweetheart, evil heart Fear Street Seniors No. 07: Fight team, fight Fear Street Seniors No. 06: The gift

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