All American Girl No. 2: Ready or not

Author: Meg Cabot

Tags: Fine arts Teen Romance

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All American Girl No. 2: Ready or not
Top Ten Things Samantha Madison Isn't Ready For...
10. Spending Thanksgiving at Camp David
9. With her boyfriend, the president’s son
8. Who appears to want to take their relationship to the Next Level
7. Which Sam inadvertently and shockingly announces live on MTV
6. While appearing to support the president’s dubious policies on families, morals, and yes, sex
5. Juggling her new after-school job at Potomac Video
4. Even though she already has a job as teen ambassador to the UN (that she doesn’t get paid for)
3. Riding the Metro and getting accosted because she’s “the redheaded girl who saved the president’s life,” in spite of her new, semipermanent Midnight Ebony tresses
2. Experiencing total role reversal with her popular sister Lucy, who for once can’t get the guy she wants and the number-one thing Sam isn’t ready for?
1. Finding out the hard way that in art class, "life drawing" means "naked people."

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