Add books

Now that you have joined or created a group, it is time to add some books that you want to lend to your friends. You can find the button to add books in a number of places, including the dropdown menu on the right side as well as on the home page when logged in. There are a few ways to add books. The first method is to use the form show below. All you need to do is to complete all the required fields.

Here are a few important things to remember when adding books:

  1. If you want to add tags to your books, you should create the tags first. Click here to create tags now.
  2. If you want to add book locations to your books, you should create the locations first. Click here to create book locations now.
  3. Book genres are created system-wide by the administrator. Contact the administrator, if a genre that you need is not available.
  4. Book languages are also added by the administrator. Contact the administrator, if a book language you need is not available.

You can also bulk import books from a csv file using the form shown below. Just make sure the required headers (title,author,isbn,book_type,language) are present.